How to play baccarat to make money every day?

How to play baccarat to make money every day?

1. Don't bet against the dragon

In addition to knowing how to play baccarat, another thing that new gamblers should know is the dragon card pattern, or when one side wins 5-15 games in a row. The way to observe the dragon card is to see if any side wins 5 times in a row in the game you are playing. If so, bet on it until the other side wins again, no matter how many times that side has won. Never wait for the right time to bet against it because you think the dragon is too long. In the past, there have been dragons that were as long as 20 rounds(บาคาร่า เว็บตรง).

2. Bet on ping pong as well.

In addition to the dragon card, another card that you should know is the ping pong card, which is characterized by both sides taking turns winning. This card pattern can be seen from the 4th or 5th game to see if they are still winning alternately. If so, bet on it. (This type of card should also not be bet against.)

3. Use the progressive betting formula.

It's not just the technique of playing cards that is important. Managing money on the baccarat table is another equally important thing. And the money formula that is often seen is the progressive formula, which can be easily explained as if we place 20 baht in the first game and lose, the next game, place 40 baht, and if we still lose, change to 80 baht, place like this until we win, then go back to start at 20 baht again. However, this formula is not recommended for playing with dragons because if we place 20 baht and get a counter card, it may cause us to lose all our profits.

4. Use the 2-time winning formula

Although the name of the formula is like that, in fact, this is another money management formula that is commonly seen. The method is to use it: if we place 20 baht in the first game and win, increase the money to 40 baht in the next game. If we still win, go back to placing 20 baht as before (equal to the two games we win, we will get 60 baht). But in case of losing, keep placing 20 baht until we win. If we do not win, do not increase the money at all, unless we go back to playing progressive betting.

5. Use the baccarat formula program to help us bet.

Baccarat formula program It was developed to be an assistant in betting on baccarat accurately and truly. It is based on the principles of mathematics, which calculates the probability of winning or losing percentages. It works automatically and is calculated by the AI ​​system. It works very well with the mind control formula.

To play baccarat to make money every day, you must do the following.

In addition to the 4 formulas mentioned above, there is another most important formula that every baccarat gambler must know, which is the mind control formula. This formula is easy to do. Just set a goal that you want to make a profit of 300 baht today. No matter how you win, if you reach the amount of 300 baht, you must stop immediately. You must close the program, close the screen, and do something else immediately. This is how you can play baccarat sustainably.

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